Third Day Concert Starring...YOU!

Inspiration Travel



You know that daydream where you’re at a concert? It’s your favorite band. You’re in the front row—you can literally touch the stage. The lights are blinding and the fog machine is…fogging. You can feel the drums under your feet; the music is everywhere. And then it happens: you make eye contact with the lead singer. And in the midst of that crazy musical hype, the lead singer reaches his hand out to you, pulls you up on stage, and hands you the mic. In a brief instant of panicked joy you stare at him wide eyed. Then he gives you a confident head-nod and in a moment of glory, you burst into imaginative song, as the crowd goes wild!

… and then your co-worker walks in on you singing into your ball-point pen: whoops! (Don’t worry, you were able to recover by tapping your pen on your lips, looking inquisitively at your computer screen and muttering something about how you can save the company millions of dollars—good work!)

Well, my friends, this daydream can become your reality, just as it did for a few of our passengers on the Third Day & Max Lucado 2012 Alaska Cruise. Mac Powell graciously invited up some guests (like the one pictured above) to perform with Third Day during a spontaneous karaoke night. I’m sure the karaoke guests didn’t want to go to bed that night for fear they would wake up from such a fantastic dream.